Saturday, October 25, 2014

Be Thankful


Audio Version

Col. 3:15b

" ...And be ye thankful. "


Thankfulness is an act of showing appreciation or gratitude. Being thankful to God means glorifying God in your spirit for the things He has done, the things He is doing, and what He is planning to do. Thankfulness is the beginning of spirituality, it is a spiritual activity. In ROM 1:21, we notice that those who did not glorify God were unthankful or ungrateful. It is impossible for you to serve God and walk daily with Him without being thankful. Thankfulness takes your eyes away from yourself and fixes it on God.

Friends, there is so much to be grateful for. Thank God every moment. Thank Him for everything. Remember that Thanksgiving is an act of worship, and 'he that worships does not worry, he that worries does not worship'. As you leave your house today, make up your mind that you won't complain. Don't complain, don’t murmur, whenever situations arise that would cause you to complain or murmur, just give thanks. That challenge will not consume you because 'a singing saint does not sink'.

Prayer: Thank your heavenly father for bringing you to this day; thank Him for all that He has done in the past. Thank Him what all He is doing for you now and what He is doing in the future. Ask Him to fill your heart with His grace to continually walk in His presence, in Jesus name. Amen

By Otuokon Ubokudom

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